Posts tagged ‘Mary Ann Hooper’

February 27, 2012


… yes, I am still here. Taking 18 months off from this blog/project was not what I had intended, but here we are. My only excuse is that I was earning my Master’s Degree, and during that time I was insanely busy. I had all kinds of plans to find some of my ancestral sites, but as the information has been very difficult to find, it got put on the back burner. So, I will ask:

Does anyone know which cemetery in Lewisham, London that William Leitch (1791-1874) is buried in?

I lived in London for a year and a half and could not find that information. Someone has to know… anyone?? Any information you have, please tell me.

One good thing did come… a distant relative (through the Leitch line) contacted me this summer. Unfortunately, we did not get to meet as he lives in Wales and I was too busy to follow up. On a search through tonight, I found he had added another image of my great-great-great grandfather, Thomas Henry Leitch (son of William).

Thomas Henry Leitch (credit: Andrew Leitch)

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